Wednesday, February 27, 2008


That is the sound of my baby eating my food stuff. Today Mari snatched a piece of my lunch and proceeded to self feed herself the crust of my sandwich. You should have seen her stuffing her (tiny, adorable) face! Here I was mashing up her purees, making sure every bit of lump was gone and it turns out she's just as happy snacking on real live bread like a regular non-infant human being. I'm looking in to baby led weaning now but it's just ocurred to me, if BLW really is the way for me and Mari then haven't I just shelled out quite a bit of money for the hand grinder, baby food book, and feeding spoon... all that money, for nothing? (it's not that pricey but cash is kinda tight at the moment)


Trying not to think of it too much.


stefana said...

My little daughter does the same, whenever she sees us grownups eat something she comes to ask for some. Bread crust is good - little risk of choking, and it keeps her occupied for a while. But don't worry, the transition to adults' food is not so abrupt, so the spoon and grinder will get their use!

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