Thursday, January 17, 2008


^ That's the sound of me falling off the wagon. The posting-regularly-wagon. But I'm climbing back on board. So. First, some random things:

-Mari is now 5 months old. She wakes up at 4-5 in the morning everyday and hits me repeatedly with her hurty little fists to wake me up. Then when I don't she will complain loudly "WHOOOO!" she goes, "AhhhhhMEM!!". Non stop till I obey her and get my lazy mummy butt out of bed.
-I'm swamped in work.
-I ate moldy Tacos yesterday. Yuck. Bright side: I do not have mold allergy.
-I want to sign with Mari but i forget every damn time. I get in to bed at night and go "Doh! I did not sign once today."

Little madame is complaining. Gotta go.

1 comment:

Logan said...

Woohoo! I'm glad I still check this blog regularly.